06 August 2009

Oh, What a Week!!!! (and Audition 7)

I am really trying to figure out where to begin with this week. It is Thursday and it has been a week....and I got some great news today and I can't think of anyone I want to call to tell, but I want to call SOMEONE! Hope whomever reads this blog does not mind that I tell you!

Monday was super crazy at work, with showing after showing and the phone not being quiet! I hope many of the people I showed all week come back to sign, but, I don't push them cuz where you live for a year is really based on how the space speaks to you. Oooh....that was kind of deep. The crazy-hectic-ness was followed by a trip back out to Oak Park to audition for the Village Players again, this time for a non-singing show--"You Can't Take It With You." I found a monologue I like but for some reason the words did not want to come into my body, no matter how much I worked on it. I finally got them on the drive to the audition and thankfully I was early so I could run it several times before I auditioned. I have read this play and I would have loved to have been a part of it, but I still need to work on my auditioning skills, so......it was fun! I also ran into someone from my Disney past, which was cool. This guy came out of "Sunday In The Park" rehearsals and looks at me and goes "Mel!?!?? I used to be your roommate in Orlando." Yea, I had to have him identify myself cuz I so totally could not ID him, but WOW. He was dating one of my roommates at one point in time and after he graduated, he ended up in Chicago. For some reason "It's a Small World" kept running through my head after that! =)

Tuesday was my last class of the summer session at the Piven Theatre Workshop. I have loved taking class from Bernie and it has been such an eye-opening experience working with him. I want to take everything I have learned from this level 1 class and use it and grow and become that much better of a performer! Of course, the day could not be without its drama. I have had someone that I met at an audition staying with me the beginning of the week and when I dropped her off at my place of employment today I told her that if she got done with her friends and wanted to go to class with me, to meet me at work. At 6:45, when I was done with work, I check my phone and she told me that she was waiting at my apartment building. (I don't know her from Sam, so I did not give her apartment keys). Well..it was my LAST CLASS and I was NOT going to be late! I am trying to stay on scholarship there and hopefully go from 50% to a 75% or 100% scholarship for the fall term, so being late was not an option and if I went home to pick her up I would have been SOOO late! So I told her to go hang at the library and BORDERS and whatnot and I would be home around 11pm. Was it a bit mean? Probably. But she had stayed with me about 2 weeks ago and made me late for that class when she was not where she said she would be when she said she would be there. I learn from my mistakes. OHOHOHOHOHOH---fyi, she came to town with NO MONEY and A NON-WORKING CELL PHONE! Can you understand why there were issues??

Wednesday, man I am trying to remember Wednesday. The morning started out calm at work, but the afternoon was hella-crazy busy. And full of silly-stupid people. One guy brought his 5 sons (5!!!!!!!!!) to look at a studio apartment for 1 of them! OMG!!! And I probably spent an hour 45 with another guy between 2 appointments--if he does not rent from us, I am going to be peeved!!! Oh, and I learned that ferrets poo in corners and that large piles of it STINK!! Why do people not clean up after their pets??????

Thursday was a sloooooow day at work. Like super super slow. Made me wonder what was up. Had my voice lesson, LOVE my voice teacher. She has given me some pretty cool assignments to help me dig into the song I am singing ("Losing My Mind" from FOLLIES) and I love every lesson. She makes me want to work harder to get better and I am hearing a difference in my voice already. It is not constant yet, but it is getting there.

The big news happened when I got home. I opened my mailbox and found this letter:

"Dear Melissa,

Congratulations! This letter serves as confirmation that the Board of Directors of the Piven Theater Workshop has granted you a 100% scholarship to be applied towards one class per session for the 09-10 fiscal year.

Your scholarship includes a commitment of 10 hours of work (that's it??), outside of your class, for the Workshop. This could include assisting in the class you will be taking, ushering for productions, mailings, etc.

(paragraph about how to register)

We are pleased that you have chosen to study at the Piven Theater Workshop and we look forward to building a relationship with you."

OMFG!!!! Ok, I have been debating the last couple of weeks if I was doing the right thing, if people were blowing smoke up my ass about my talent, if I was crazy to think I could do this, being a bit depressed cuz I have not been cast yet (I know, the number of auditions is REALLY low, but sometimes you want to see results). My voice lesson today and this letter totally confirmed everything!!!! Sometimes fate aligns just right and you are actually in the right place at the right time for once.

1 comment:

historicstitcher said...


How does that song from Monty Python go? find your grail... If you're following your grail, you won't go wrong.

Love you and miss you!