27 August 2009

The One Where When Mel Finished the Director Moved Back Into Position #1 (Audition 15)

So, last night I went out to Triton College (don't worry, I had never heard of it either) to audition for their upcoming production of BLEACHER BUMS. I had planned on going to the College of Lake County for ANNE FRANK AND ME, but then I realized it would be driving up to Gurnee and I do enough of that already and decided it was just too far, so off to be a bum! =)

Ok, not really. If there is a show that is more North Side Chicago then this one, I have not heard of it. I prepped my monologue again and did the drive over there to see what was what. Sadly, after looking at the character breakdown, I do not think I am a good fit for ANY of the roles, but I went in anyway. Hey, an audition is an audition, right?

So into the theatre I go, get the waving introduction to the director, and up onto stage where I promptly mess up the 2nd line of my monologue. After taking a moment to refocus, I restart. Every time I do it, I have noticed things are slightly different as the character starts to gel more for me. This time it went very well and I was really into the moment, seeing the cocoon on the ledge and later, the injured butterfly. (Is that method of me? I don't know). I heard a chuckle when I was doing it but really did not focus on the director.

When I was done, I looked at him and he had gone from sitting straight in the chair to leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Is this a good sign? I don't know, but I take it as a sign that I captured his attention. Maybe I should have looked at his face. He told me he loved the show my monologue was from and asked if it was April's, to which I replied positively. He then thanked me and told me that callbacks would be on Saturday and I would be contacted on Friday (2nd day of auditions is today, Thursday).

What did I learn from this go round? That it is ok to start over in an audition if you flub and get flustered, whilst taking the time to refocus yourself so you can move forward with a positive energy. Keep your fingers crossed that I can pick up my new headshots tonite so that I can get them printed and start using them!!

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