14 May 2009


I am not going to lie, I was excited when presented with the option of working karaoke this summer. It would be a way to perform in front of people (which I do not do on my M-F job) and it would be a fun part-time job. And when I went to orientation, I was under the opinion that I would have a decent break schedule.

Well....first lets start with the song selection. Heavy on the teenie bopper, not so much of the things that adults want to sing. No Journey, no Bon Jovi, no Fleetwood Mac...the list goes on and on. But boy, do I have Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Camp Rock and country.

Second...breaks. *sigh* Boy, do I wish I had show breaks or something. I get 45 minutes from lunch, 10 of which are spent walking to and from the breakroom. If I am LUCKY I get a 15 minute break to go refill my water bottle. I don't get the breaks I thought I would when I signed up for this gig.

Finally, and really the most important...people REALLY do not know how to use microphones. Here is a quick lesson. Microphones were designed to pick up sound waves. They are pretty sensitive. Therefore it is not necessary to YELL AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS into one. I seriously have had pain in my left ear for a week because of this. Hearing loss due to people screaming...so not sexy. =)

Not that I mean to complain, but this has just gotten frustrating since I asked for the last weekend in May off so that I can go to my cousin's baby shower and then go to CP to visit my family for probably the ONLY time this summer...and was told that it probably would not be likely because they did not have anyone else to run karaoke! WTF!!! When the park is open during the week right now and I am not there, a manager who is not on OT or incurring OT, mans karaoke and they do not know if they can free someone up to do it once the park is open 7 days/wk. which it will be the weekend I asked off. Oh, did I mention I gave them a MONTHS notice? Yes, one month.

*sigh* I have to go listen to RENT to figure out 1 minute I can sing for an audition I hope I get a time for. Think Positive Mel, think positive.....

1 comment:

Shoestring Traveler said...

If you're feeling really mad at the Jonas Brothers, go watch the first South Park episode in season 13 on the South Park website. You will laugh!