This year, I decided to do things a little differently. My friend "Psylocke" (you should know by now I don't use real names on here) is an independent Beachbody Coach and consultant. Beachbody makes and sells a WIDE variety of workout videos. After talking with her, hearing her success story and realizing that this is something I can do this winter inside my apartment where it is WARM (I'll walk/jog/whatever outside when the weather warms up), I decided to give it a try. After looking through the programs, I decided to purchase the basic Yoga Booty Ballet package.
Trust me, I thought long and hard on what I was going to spend my limited funds on. But my fitness goals are to target my trouble spots (butt, thighs) while improving my flexibilty. Many of the other programs looked like they were there to "puhmp you uhp" and I don't want that. I just want to tone and lengthen and gain back some of the flexibility I've lost. I also didn't want to turn into my mother with a million and one reasons not to exercise that all boil down to one thing -- laziness.
So, Monday I went over to Psylocke's, got weighed and measured and started my program. My diet is already PRETTY good and limited, so I'm not focusing on that right now, but I am turning down the 2nd soda I want some days and doing my best to avoid the candy bars at the gas station.
It will be awhile until I know the results, but I know I have Psylocke behind me, the videos staring me in the face every day, and the Team Beachbody website where I log in everytime I work out to log what I did, how long and register to win $$!!
Now to get back into my size 8 jeans!

1 comment:
I seriously have the dvds. A friend gave them to me and I wish I would have known that you were going to do this. I would have mailed them to you in an instant:) They sit in my cabinet where they've sat for at least a year now. BUMMER! Well, I know you're going to do great and am quite sure you can move in ways that I CANNOT! LOL! Get in shape girl! I'm working on's the link to my weight loss blog:
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