Acting is a craft, it requires work and dedication and tenaciouness. There are few other industries where you face rejection on a regular basis and yet you still get up and bare your heart and soul in front of strangers in the strange hope that they like what they see enough to cast you in their next production so that you can pour yourself into the skin of somebody else and actually escape from who you are and all of your problems for a bit and take on someone elses -- and their problems are faced and dealt with and given some form of closure 2-3 hours later. If only life was that simple.
I guess I should start with the show news. When I auditioned for 12 ANGRY they were soliciting song titles to be considered for inclusion in their fall cabaret show, WHAT I DID FOR LOVE (which is also one of the best known songs from A CHORUS LINE). Of course I had song titles!! Most of mine were not from the happy, "i love you, life is good" variety. The songs that were excavted from my mental storage units were more along the lines of "love sucks, leave me alone, I'm alone" variety. Well, 3 of my top 4 were. My 4th song was just silly. My top 3 suggestions were "Being Alive" from COMPANY, "Not that Girl" from WICKED, and "Build Me a Wall"from SHREK. The fourth was "Love is Always Lovely" from THE DROWSY CHAPERONE. When speaking with the director, I had arguments for all of them, but was very passionate about why they needed to counter all the "happy love songs" and even the "really not that bitter" end of love songs with a song about why someone would be apprehensive about entering into a relationship and at the same time have longing for the things they are apprehensive about.
So....imagine my surprise when I walk into the first 12 ANGRY rehearsal and discover that they wanted me to sing "Being Alive" in WIDFL. Now, they have NEVER heard me sing! But they said that I was so passionate about it they wanted me to sing it. HOLY SHIZZ!!! So, working with 1/2 of the Dramatic Duo via e-mail on intention and acting the song and mambo blonde (voice) on the technique side for 2 weeks (had more of that for the show, but my voice school had a break), I put it into shape. This show was the first time, other than my Grandmother's funeral, that I sang a solo in front of people. EEP! I was also the ONLY person in the show that was brand new to the group! Everyone else has been involved with the troupe for at least 3 years. I think I did a pretty decent job. Video is posted on my FB page..there is room for improvement, but not a bad first time singing solo!!
12 AJ opens next week. It has been hard getting my brain back into it after having a week off for WIDFL. I now know all of my lines and pretty much have my cue lines down. I <3>
On to auditions!!
#1 was for the Drama Group production of FOOTLOOSE. I am the first person to say that I am NOT a big fan of this show, as I think the arrangements of songs I love from popular radio are weak at best. But I was begged by the AD to audition and many of my DG friends asked me if I was going I did. Normally, I will prepare a specific song for an audition, bu for this one, since I literally decided to attend the day of the audition, I walked in and said "these are the 2 songs I can sing for you. What do you want to hear?" Immediately they chose one because it was similar in style to what one of the mothers sang. No problem. Then off to learn the dance, which was fun and cheesy and, well, a bit 80's! But it was a blast and I even had a partner taller than me, so SCORE!! Finally, it was time for the cold reading. I was paired up with someone I would LOVE to work with to read Shaw and Vi. It. Was. Electric! The only other time I have had a reading this good was for COA. Sadly, every time the music director or assistant diretor would recommend they read me, the director would brush me off. Before we left, he went on a LOOOOOOONG rant about how if you have a lot of conflicts (hello, my Sept. w/the 2 Hale productions), then you should not even be auditioning. Pretty much knew right then and there that I was not cast, no matter how strong my audition was....and I was right.
#2 was for Oak Lawn and CABARET!!! I want to play Frau. Kost!! I think it is a great role. I worked on my German accent (which, with my bg you would think would come naturally), sadly did not work on my song as much as I would have liked, as the audition was the day after WIDFL closed and I was so focused on that (and I could not sing "Being" b/c that was learned and performed to a backing track and this was a w/piano audition) But I went in on the first day (never my favorite), sang my song, danced the dance (and bruised my right thigh from here to eternity)...was one of 3 asked to dance again(!) and for the first time I was one of 4 girls (out of about 15 there) who was asked to stay and sing again and one of 2 asked to sing for the role I wanted! WHEEEEEEEE!!! Seriously, I was waltzng on air. =) They had me sing Kost's song with someone. I missed the first high note b/c I tried to belt it, but the next time it came around I flipped into my head voice and nailed it!!!!! Sadly, I did not get the part and was not asked to read.... =( ..... but apparently only 1 person did read for the role, and from what I hear, she is also the only other person to sing for the character. The performer is a favorite with the group with an amazing voice, so....I'm focusing on the positives from the auition!!!
#3 was for JPAC and another straight play. It was a monologue audition (which I need help with for some reason) and I broke out a new old monologue (haven't touched it in a couple of years) as my last one was not working too well. Sadly, it took me forever to find it, so I did not have a lot of time to work it. Thankfully, my brain remembered it all! I got a laugh, which was a first so YEA and was asked to read a side, which was also a YEA. I did not get the show, but I gave a good audition and I am happy with it.
There is more coming up on the horizon. I'll keep you posted on life!!
17 September 2010
08 August 2010
It's Been Awhile
Wow, it has been a LOOOOOONG time since I wrote!
Let's see, CITY OF ANGELS with the Drama Group opened....and closed. I had lines and was so happy to get laughs with my lines. I learned how to smoke a cigar (ick) and made friends that I thought would last a while. Who knows what is going on there, you know? It's after a show....
The next adventure was with 99th Street Summer Theatre and being Reporter #1/Passenger in their production of ANYTHING GOES. It was an adventure, that is for sure. Not sure it is one I want to repeat, for reasons I will leave to myself, but I met some fantastic (and fantastically talented) people. All in all, it was an interesting way to spend the summer.
While that was going on, I auditioned for THE DROWSY CHAPERONE. I <3 that show and 1/2 of the Dramatic Duo encouraged me MONTHS ago to audition for Mrs. Tottendale, saying it would be a better fit than Chaperone (another character I love and dream of playing). I REALLY want to play Mrs. T. While I did not get THAT production of it, my spirits were lifted when I received an e-mail from the director informing me that I was 1 0f 2 that he felt horrible about not using. I take that as a good sign, right??
Then, I got my next adventure. Doing a straight drama. No music. Me and 11 other people on stage. 12 ANGRY JURORS. You know 12 ANGRY MEN? Well, this is the version with men and women, so there really is no difference other than we aren't all men. I am playing juror #12. Not a large role, but considering the director has never worked with me before and I am the only one where that is the case or he has not seen the person on stage, I consider it an honor to be cast at all. This show is going to be a challenge and I am looking forward to all that it brings!
Then today I had an audition that was just about perfect for me. It was for a new show titled ALIEN QUEEN. The show looks to be a spoof on the ALIEN/ALIENS movie (hello! I look like Sigourney Weaver) and uses the music of QUEEN, my all-time favorite group. Who knows how it went. I went in, sang a capella b/c the music did not arrive in time, read a Ripley scene, they said to read scene 2 to see where it went. I infused it with a little more anger/passion/fury/disgust. Then they asked me to sing one more song. Oh, the first song was "I Want to Break Free" and the second song was "Save Me." Like I said, who knows how it went. It was an audition, I went in, did my best, felt like I learned a little something and if anything comes from it GREAT, and if not...GREAT! =)
For now, I'm going to focus on being an angry juror! =)
Let's see, CITY OF ANGELS with the Drama Group opened....and closed. I had lines and was so happy to get laughs with my lines. I learned how to smoke a cigar (ick) and made friends that I thought would last a while. Who knows what is going on there, you know? It's after a show....
The next adventure was with 99th Street Summer Theatre and being Reporter #1/Passenger in their production of ANYTHING GOES. It was an adventure, that is for sure. Not sure it is one I want to repeat, for reasons I will leave to myself, but I met some fantastic (and fantastically talented) people. All in all, it was an interesting way to spend the summer.
While that was going on, I auditioned for THE DROWSY CHAPERONE. I <3 that show and 1/2 of the Dramatic Duo encouraged me MONTHS ago to audition for Mrs. Tottendale, saying it would be a better fit than Chaperone (another character I love and dream of playing). I REALLY want to play Mrs. T. While I did not get THAT production of it, my spirits were lifted when I received an e-mail from the director informing me that I was 1 0f 2 that he felt horrible about not using. I take that as a good sign, right??
Then, I got my next adventure. Doing a straight drama. No music. Me and 11 other people on stage. 12 ANGRY JURORS. You know 12 ANGRY MEN? Well, this is the version with men and women, so there really is no difference other than we aren't all men. I am playing juror #12. Not a large role, but considering the director has never worked with me before and I am the only one where that is the case or he has not seen the person on stage, I consider it an honor to be cast at all. This show is going to be a challenge and I am looking forward to all that it brings!
Then today I had an audition that was just about perfect for me. It was for a new show titled ALIEN QUEEN. The show looks to be a spoof on the ALIEN/ALIENS movie (hello! I look like Sigourney Weaver) and uses the music of QUEEN, my all-time favorite group. Who knows how it went. I went in, sang a capella b/c the music did not arrive in time, read a Ripley scene, they said to read scene 2 to see where it went. I infused it with a little more anger/passion/fury/disgust. Then they asked me to sing one more song. Oh, the first song was "I Want to Break Free" and the second song was "Save Me." Like I said, who knows how it went. It was an audition, I went in, did my best, felt like I learned a little something and if anything comes from it GREAT, and if not...GREAT! =)
For now, I'm going to focus on being an angry juror! =)
cold read,
Drama Group,
Hale Theatre,
28 March 2010
Audition #6 -- Got a Little Motto, Always Gets Me Through....
Tonight, after CITY OF ANGELS rehearsal, I headed out to Wheaton to audition for Wheaton Drama's production of CHICAGO.
Now, I showed my voice instructor (who I LOVE) the song I wanted to sing at my lesson and she asked for a copy so she could practice it because it had 5 sharps. I am really wishing she had just attempted it once....but we will get to that in a minute.
Anyway, they were asking people to make appointments and once I decided I was going to do it, I made an appointment for 9pm because I thought rehearsal would go later due to us starting later and then it would take me about an hour to get there. Well, even stopping to pick up a mandarin chicken salad I was over an hour early, which is great because that gave me time to eat and relax and try to get out of "rehearsal" mindset and into "audition" mindset. HA! Honestly, this was another audition I went to to get some experience and have some fun, because I don't think I have a chance since it opens less than a month after CITY closes.
I headed out right after I got out of CITY rehearsals and had enough time to swing by Wendy's for dinner (yea salad) and chill for an hour in their lobby before my audition time. While waiting I heard 8 other people sing the same song I had started preparing!!!! I thought about changing it, but I did not have the sheet music for the other song I was considering and I wanted to at least LOOK at it!!
This director did things in a different way that I wish more directors would do. Each person that registered was assigned to either group A, B or C. There were 3 rooms. Room A was singing, Room B was dance and Room C was cold reading. Every 20 minutes the group would rotate to the next one. It got people in and thru the process in an efficient manner. Of course, the 9pm on a Sunday group was so small that there were only 2 groups and my group only had 2 people in it!
On to the singing room, which was the stage. Let this be my lesson for the day -- sing your song AT LEAST once with a piano!!! Seems simple right, but no, I have just been singing with a recording and it was a half-step higher than the music I had. OOPS. Other lesson I have to learn -- don't apologize when you don't do 100%!! On the positive side, the last 16 bars of the 32 I sang were strong, supported, correct and full!
Next, the cold read. My partner started the minute she got the pages so I wasn't able to set an intention in my head. Stupid me. Once I knew who I was reading I should have come up with SOMETHING!! And then we switched. I gave her a couple of seconds to read the other side and asked if she was ready to begin and got a dumb look. Oh help! We get going, reach a point where she wants to put her arm around me and asks me to "get shorter." This. Is. Not. Good. So, I crouch down and do something with my arms and the next thing I am finishing my lines HOLDING the person reading for Mama. Oh. My. Goodness!!! Yea, I started laughing and at that point I pretty much knew that all hope was lost.
On to the dance. Now, they had set up 2 times that you could go to the choreographers studio to learn the routine. Sadly, I had conflicts with both. So I had about 12 minutes to learn an intricate routine, ran it all the way thru 2x with the choreographer and then performed it. Well, I did pretty good on the back half, but I was lost at the beginning because my brain was so full!! Oh well.
Needless to say, I received a very nice e-mail from the director telling me that I did not get cast. Once again, I am of the opinion to go on the second night and now I know a couple of new things to work on. In the meantime, I have CITY to focus on as that is opening soon and more auditions to prep for!
Now, I showed my voice instructor (who I LOVE) the song I wanted to sing at my lesson and she asked for a copy so she could practice it because it had 5 sharps. I am really wishing she had just attempted it once....but we will get to that in a minute.
Anyway, they were asking people to make appointments and once I decided I was going to do it, I made an appointment for 9pm because I thought rehearsal would go later due to us starting later and then it would take me about an hour to get there. Well, even stopping to pick up a mandarin chicken salad I was over an hour early, which is great because that gave me time to eat and relax and try to get out of "rehearsal" mindset and into "audition" mindset. HA! Honestly, this was another audition I went to to get some experience and have some fun, because I don't think I have a chance since it opens less than a month after CITY closes.
I headed out right after I got out of CITY rehearsals and had enough time to swing by Wendy's for dinner (yea salad) and chill for an hour in their lobby before my audition time. While waiting I heard 8 other people sing the same song I had started preparing!!!! I thought about changing it, but I did not have the sheet music for the other song I was considering and I wanted to at least LOOK at it!!
This director did things in a different way that I wish more directors would do. Each person that registered was assigned to either group A, B or C. There were 3 rooms. Room A was singing, Room B was dance and Room C was cold reading. Every 20 minutes the group would rotate to the next one. It got people in and thru the process in an efficient manner. Of course, the 9pm on a Sunday group was so small that there were only 2 groups and my group only had 2 people in it!
On to the singing room, which was the stage. Let this be my lesson for the day -- sing your song AT LEAST once with a piano!!! Seems simple right, but no, I have just been singing with a recording and it was a half-step higher than the music I had. OOPS. Other lesson I have to learn -- don't apologize when you don't do 100%!! On the positive side, the last 16 bars of the 32 I sang were strong, supported, correct and full!
Next, the cold read. My partner started the minute she got the pages so I wasn't able to set an intention in my head. Stupid me. Once I knew who I was reading I should have come up with SOMETHING!! And then we switched. I gave her a couple of seconds to read the other side and asked if she was ready to begin and got a dumb look. Oh help! We get going, reach a point where she wants to put her arm around me and asks me to "get shorter." This. Is. Not. Good. So, I crouch down and do something with my arms and the next thing I am finishing my lines HOLDING the person reading for Mama. Oh. My. Goodness!!! Yea, I started laughing and at that point I pretty much knew that all hope was lost.
On to the dance. Now, they had set up 2 times that you could go to the choreographers studio to learn the routine. Sadly, I had conflicts with both. So I had about 12 minutes to learn an intricate routine, ran it all the way thru 2x with the choreographer and then performed it. Well, I did pretty good on the back half, but I was lost at the beginning because my brain was so full!! Oh well.
Needless to say, I received a very nice e-mail from the director telling me that I did not get cast. Once again, I am of the opinion to go on the second night and now I know a couple of new things to work on. In the meantime, I have CITY to focus on as that is opening soon and more auditions to prep for!
City of Angels,
cold read,
Drama Group,
22 March 2010
Audition #5 -- It's a Hard Knock Life, For Me!
I've been debating heading up to GR for this audition for a long, loooong time. Circle Theatre, a theatre that I interned for in 1995 was holding auditions....and they were doing ANNIE! HELLLOOOO!!!! Miss Hannigan = DREAM ROLE!!!!
Because I was not 100% sure if I was going to come up for the auditions, I did not make an appointment, but I was perfectly happy sitting around for a bit until I could get in. I met a girl from Colorado who flew in to audition for the role of Annie because she had just done it and wanted to do it again. I met a bunch of people doing the latest Circle Show. And I listened to my song and practiced!
Finally, I got called in with about 14 other people. There were about 14 people sitting at a table for the 2 shows they were auditioning for, and they were RIGHTattheedgeofthestage. I was the 2nd to last person to audition and I had noticed that the accompanist was coming out from behind the piano to greet each person so I walked right up to him, stuck out my hand and introduced myself and thanked him. I then showed him my music with its 3 key changes in 16 measures. Then I stepped into the curve of the baby grand (ooooh!! baby grand!!) and said, "Hello, I am your tall drink of water for the day. My name is XXX and I am going to be singing XXX from XXX." Then I sang my 16 bars and got the feeling that they wanted more. Before I sat down to change shoes they wanted my picture and after seeing everyone being serious and being in a silly mood, I did a "Japanese tourist."
Then it was time for the dance combination! Ok, after what I have done the last couple of auditions with dance combos this one was the easiest one yet!! They wanted to try to combine the styles of "Little Shop" and "Annie." The song was "Easy Street" and I felt that since the song has so much attitude I was going to put it into my dancing. They did not say to play it straight, so I put character into it. I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but.....
After the audition someone asked me if I was auditioning for Miss Hannigan, I responded in the affirmative and they told me I had the perfect voice for her!
I don't think I am going to get this show (I did not), but it was a lot of fun going back home and auditioning for a theatre that I interned at back in 199*mumble*. I think I had poor song choice for what I was auditioning for and I think I may have come off as being a little too flippant when in actuality I was trying to break the nerves up in me.
Because I was not 100% sure if I was going to come up for the auditions, I did not make an appointment, but I was perfectly happy sitting around for a bit until I could get in. I met a girl from Colorado who flew in to audition for the role of Annie because she had just done it and wanted to do it again. I met a bunch of people doing the latest Circle Show. And I listened to my song and practiced!
Finally, I got called in with about 14 other people. There were about 14 people sitting at a table for the 2 shows they were auditioning for, and they were RIGHTattheedgeofthestage. I was the 2nd to last person to audition and I had noticed that the accompanist was coming out from behind the piano to greet each person so I walked right up to him, stuck out my hand and introduced myself and thanked him. I then showed him my music with its 3 key changes in 16 measures. Then I stepped into the curve of the baby grand (ooooh!! baby grand!!) and said, "Hello, I am your tall drink of water for the day. My name is XXX and I am going to be singing XXX from XXX." Then I sang my 16 bars and got the feeling that they wanted more. Before I sat down to change shoes they wanted my picture and after seeing everyone being serious and being in a silly mood, I did a "Japanese tourist."
Then it was time for the dance combination! Ok, after what I have done the last couple of auditions with dance combos this one was the easiest one yet!! They wanted to try to combine the styles of "Little Shop" and "Annie." The song was "Easy Street" and I felt that since the song has so much attitude I was going to put it into my dancing. They did not say to play it straight, so I put character into it. I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not, but.....
After the audition someone asked me if I was auditioning for Miss Hannigan, I responded in the affirmative and they told me I had the perfect voice for her!
I don't think I am going to get this show (I did not), but it was a lot of fun going back home and auditioning for a theatre that I interned at back in 199*mumble*. I think I had poor song choice for what I was auditioning for and I think I may have come off as being a little too flippant when in actuality I was trying to break the nerves up in me.
18 February 2010
Audition 4 -- I thought City of Angels was a movie!?!?!
Ok, actually that is not true. I have known that City of Angels was a musical since 1991 when Madison Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps presented selections from the show as their on-field production. Granted, I did not rush out to purchase the CD after 91 & 92 when they repeated the show with some different selections, but I knew the basic premise of the show.
Fast forward to now....I know the audition is coming up, it is the one I have been hoping to get since MAME ended. Many thank to my Vats for making sure I had the CD on my iPod when I visited NOLA last summer so that I could learn to love the music. Since the audition called for a song from the show, I picked one out that I liked (It Needs Work), went to the library and made a copy of it and then started working on it with my new voice instructor.
A week before the audition, I was offered a part in the Adult Ensemble in OLIVER! (ie, Audition #3) OMG! 3 auditions in and I was offered a role!!! That is sooo much better than 21 auditions before a role. =) However, I asked them to wait because I had put so much time in prepping for CITY that I wanted to audition for that and the rehearsal days did not allow for overlap. to the audition. Should I mention that it was a BLIZZARD out?? Yea, the snow was coming down like CRAZY, but I was NOT going to miss this audition. So, I set out early in the batmobile, drove slowly and carefully and made it down to the theatre. Seeing as how this was the same group that produced MAME, I knew a LOT of people at the audition! So, filled out the paperwork and waited.
First up, the singing. Your gut drops a bit when you present the music director a song from the show, taken from the score, and she does not recognize it or know how to play it. Ever try to sing something that was supposed to be syncopated against something that is played straight?? Yea, it kinda throws you off a bit, but you work your way through it. Sadly, I was working so hard on that some of my higher notes did not hit quite right. Oh well.
Next, the dancing. The first routine was a little bit challenging but not that much. The one thing it was driving home was that I really needed to work on my technique. Didn't even take it into the studio to perform it, the choreographer scored us right there in the rehearsal space/costume build area.
On to the cold reads! I read for Oolie and Avril Reigns. When I finished with Avril several people gave me thumbs up and told me I did a great job! Honestly, it was the first time I really felt good about a cold read.
Finally.....last dance combination! Holy sexy batman!! It was INTENSE and HOTTTTT!!!!
Ok, I started writing this a while ago and never got around to finishing it....I had to make a choice between CITY OF ANGELS and OLIVER! and chose to do CITY because I was offered a speaking role, which (in my mind) beats out Ensemble any day of the week. I am also going to be dancing in a couple of the numbers, which is thrilling. I am not in all because, once again, I am the tallest person on stage! =)
Fast forward to now....I know the audition is coming up, it is the one I have been hoping to get since MAME ended. Many thank to my Vats for making sure I had the CD on my iPod when I visited NOLA last summer so that I could learn to love the music. Since the audition called for a song from the show, I picked one out that I liked (It Needs Work), went to the library and made a copy of it and then started working on it with my new voice instructor.
A week before the audition, I was offered a part in the Adult Ensemble in OLIVER! (ie, Audition #3) OMG! 3 auditions in and I was offered a role!!! That is sooo much better than 21 auditions before a role. =) However, I asked them to wait because I had put so much time in prepping for CITY that I wanted to audition for that and the rehearsal days did not allow for overlap. to the audition. Should I mention that it was a BLIZZARD out?? Yea, the snow was coming down like CRAZY, but I was NOT going to miss this audition. So, I set out early in the batmobile, drove slowly and carefully and made it down to the theatre. Seeing as how this was the same group that produced MAME, I knew a LOT of people at the audition! So, filled out the paperwork and waited.
First up, the singing. Your gut drops a bit when you present the music director a song from the show, taken from the score, and she does not recognize it or know how to play it. Ever try to sing something that was supposed to be syncopated against something that is played straight?? Yea, it kinda throws you off a bit, but you work your way through it. Sadly, I was working so hard on that some of my higher notes did not hit quite right. Oh well.
Next, the dancing. The first routine was a little bit challenging but not that much. The one thing it was driving home was that I really needed to work on my technique. Didn't even take it into the studio to perform it, the choreographer scored us right there in the rehearsal space/costume build area.
On to the cold reads! I read for Oolie and Avril Reigns. When I finished with Avril several people gave me thumbs up and told me I did a great job! Honestly, it was the first time I really felt good about a cold read.
Finally.....last dance combination! Holy sexy batman!! It was INTENSE and HOTTTTT!!!!
Ok, I started writing this a while ago and never got around to finishing it....I had to make a choice between CITY OF ANGELS and OLIVER! and chose to do CITY because I was offered a speaking role, which (in my mind) beats out Ensemble any day of the week. I am also going to be dancing in a couple of the numbers, which is thrilling. I am not in all because, once again, I am the tallest person on stage! =)
20 January 2010
2010 Audition 3 -- or the one where I audition to get beat to death.
So, last night was my 3rd audition of the new year. I have to admit I have not been going after the auditions as hard core yet this year because there is an audition coming up in early February for a show I REALLY want to do, and I do not want to be unavailable for it! Right attitude to have, or wrong? I really don't know, but if I do not really try for CITY OF ANGELS I will be very mad at myself.
Anyhoo, last night I drove to Beverly for the Beverly Hills University Club production of OLIVER! BHUC is an interesting group because they only put on one show per year and that show is a scholarship fundraiser. Great Cause, so out I went to audition!
The notes said to prepare a short piece and sing it acapella. Ok. I decided that since it was OLIVER! I would do "As Long As He Needs Me." Why? Well, because I love to sing ballads and, for me, ballads are easier to sing acapella. So, I worked on it as much of yesterday as I could (I had a migraine) and then drove off to find the church the audition was in. And of course I drove past it =)!
Anyway, I get in and I am the 2nd person there. What the heck! I was on time...not early, not late, but right on time and I was only the 2nd person there! Sorry, I'm not used to being that low a number. After filling out all of the paperwork and getting a picture taken, I went into the main room...where the entire panel of producers, the production staff and all the other auditionees. I don't like auditioning in front of everyone else who is auditioning! For whatever reason, it makes me more nervous.
But then, in walks Auntie Mame. *gulp* Here's the thing, and maybe it is just a me thing, but I don't like singing in front of people who I KNOW are great singers. Maybe it is because I do not feel like I am that great a singer, but it increases my nerves. And Auntie Mame is pretty darn awesome and I have a lot of respect for would almost be like asking me to sing in front of one of the Dramatic Duo. Even though they are my friends, my nerves would kick into overdrive because I want to impress them. Thankfully, I got to sing first, so I didn't have to be intimidated by hearing her sing the EXACT SAME SONG!
Anyway, I got up and sang and tried not to look at Auntie because it would just make me MORE nervous and tried to put all of the emotion I was feeling and that the lyrics expressed. Then time to sit and listen to everyone else sing! Granted, there were only about 8 other people there, so it went pretty fast.
Then, time to read!! Yea, cold readings!! (hahahahahahahahahahaha) For once, I did not put down a role I was interested in. I mean, c'mon. I am a six foot female who looks like she would put the smackdown on any guy who tried to hit her. Seriously, unless Bill Sykes is BIG, who would believe I would get kicked around by him??? And yet, they had me read for Nancy! =) First side was when Nancy gets strong armed by "the boys" to go get Oliver. Not many lines, and of course I got tongue tied. BUT I did my best and tried to find the fear and determination Nancy would have to NOT do that. 2nd side was a bit more fun. It was of the tiny bit of dialogue between Fagin, Dodger and Nancy between "Fine Life" and "I'd Do Anything." That one, I let the big, brassy personality out (I hope) and had fun with it. The important thing is...I had fun with it!
As we were leaving Auntie Mame told me that I did a good job and I should be proud of my audition (I am) and to remember that "an actor's job is to audition and today we did our job." I did my job today and it was fun! Thank you Auntie Mame for being so supportive, even though you intimidated the HECK outta me!
Anyhoo, last night I drove to Beverly for the Beverly Hills University Club production of OLIVER! BHUC is an interesting group because they only put on one show per year and that show is a scholarship fundraiser. Great Cause, so out I went to audition!
The notes said to prepare a short piece and sing it acapella. Ok. I decided that since it was OLIVER! I would do "As Long As He Needs Me." Why? Well, because I love to sing ballads and, for me, ballads are easier to sing acapella. So, I worked on it as much of yesterday as I could (I had a migraine) and then drove off to find the church the audition was in. And of course I drove past it =)!
Anyway, I get in and I am the 2nd person there. What the heck! I was on time...not early, not late, but right on time and I was only the 2nd person there! Sorry, I'm not used to being that low a number. After filling out all of the paperwork and getting a picture taken, I went into the main room...where the entire panel of producers, the production staff and all the other auditionees. I don't like auditioning in front of everyone else who is auditioning! For whatever reason, it makes me more nervous.
But then, in walks Auntie Mame. *gulp* Here's the thing, and maybe it is just a me thing, but I don't like singing in front of people who I KNOW are great singers. Maybe it is because I do not feel like I am that great a singer, but it increases my nerves. And Auntie Mame is pretty darn awesome and I have a lot of respect for would almost be like asking me to sing in front of one of the Dramatic Duo. Even though they are my friends, my nerves would kick into overdrive because I want to impress them. Thankfully, I got to sing first, so I didn't have to be intimidated by hearing her sing the EXACT SAME SONG!
Anyway, I got up and sang and tried not to look at Auntie because it would just make me MORE nervous and tried to put all of the emotion I was feeling and that the lyrics expressed. Then time to sit and listen to everyone else sing! Granted, there were only about 8 other people there, so it went pretty fast.
Then, time to read!! Yea, cold readings!! (hahahahahahahahahahaha) For once, I did not put down a role I was interested in. I mean, c'mon. I am a six foot female who looks like she would put the smackdown on any guy who tried to hit her. Seriously, unless Bill Sykes is BIG, who would believe I would get kicked around by him??? And yet, they had me read for Nancy! =) First side was when Nancy gets strong armed by "the boys" to go get Oliver. Not many lines, and of course I got tongue tied. BUT I did my best and tried to find the fear and determination Nancy would have to NOT do that. 2nd side was a bit more fun. It was of the tiny bit of dialogue between Fagin, Dodger and Nancy between "Fine Life" and "I'd Do Anything." That one, I let the big, brassy personality out (I hope) and had fun with it. The important thing is...I had fun with it!
As we were leaving Auntie Mame told me that I did a good job and I should be proud of my audition (I am) and to remember that "an actor's job is to audition and today we did our job." I did my job today and it was fun! Thank you Auntie Mame for being so supportive, even though you intimidated the HECK outta me!
In my life....,
12 January 2010
2010 Audition #2
I am a little late in writing this entry because I needed some time to decompress after Sunday night's audition for Disney LIVE!/Feld Entertainment.
I left early to make sure that I was at Lou Conte Dance by the 6pm sign-in time. there was NO WAY I was going to be late for this audition and even being 30 minutes early, I was not the first one there!
The sign in process was "typical Disney." Shoes off to get measured (6'0"), hand in headshot/resume/character picture, receive number, get a picture taken on the computer, fill out paperwork. Then wait while everyone goes through the process, say "hello" to people I recognize from Orlando and people I know from Chicago.
Then...time to go into the room. The first part of the routine was very -- Cinderellabration, the second part was Snow Queen, 8 counts of specific animation over 4 specific characters, 8 count pirate dance section and 16 counts character farewell. The music was from the first Pirates movie. Rumor has it that the new show will be Pirates, Princesses and Villains....
Well, I had it during rehearsal, I went into the hall and kept practicing until my group of 4 was called in. Princess part went about as well as a 6'/non-girly girl could make it. I literally was just channeling the court dancers in Cinderellabration and hope it came through. The 8 count "military" switch went and then my feet got messed up going into the Villain section. I tried not to show that I messed up and worked hard to keep my face and arms intense...and then I lost a little bit of balance and still tried to keep my intensity. The Mickey/Minnie/Louie/Stitch section went and the pirate section was fun and for my 16 count free form goodbyes my body instantly went into "Goofy". 2nd time was still not great and some of the mistakes I mentioned making might have been made in the second attempt and not the first and for the final animation I did Snow Queen.
As expected, I was NOT asked to do the second routine (nothing has changed from color coding) and I was mad at myself, so I stuck around to cheer on my friends. And after watching the second routine all I am going to say is that I am GLAD I wasn't asked to stay! I need about 5 years of serious dance training to be good enough for that routine!! Hopefully the dancing is not the main thing they look for when casting the shows.
When this started I was not sure if I really wanted to do this because I would have to put the auditions for musicals and "legit" theatre on hold. But the gypsy in me jumped up and said "YOU WANT THIS!!!" You want to travel and you can find ways to work with your voice teacher and it is not over, it is just more performance experience and a way to see the world!! Yea, so I got mad at myself.
I don't know if it is over yet or if there is still hope. The new show starts rehearsal in March and there is a *small* chance they might use me in one of the existing show (not counting on that though due to the height thing). My audition is good for a year.
In the meantime, I am going to take dance lessons and keep on keeping on with my voice.
I left early to make sure that I was at Lou Conte Dance by the 6pm sign-in time. there was NO WAY I was going to be late for this audition and even being 30 minutes early, I was not the first one there!
The sign in process was "typical Disney." Shoes off to get measured (6'0"), hand in headshot/resume/character picture, receive number, get a picture taken on the computer, fill out paperwork. Then wait while everyone goes through the process, say "hello" to people I recognize from Orlando and people I know from Chicago.
Then...time to go into the room. The first part of the routine was very -- Cinderellabration, the second part was Snow Queen, 8 counts of specific animation over 4 specific characters, 8 count pirate dance section and 16 counts character farewell. The music was from the first Pirates movie. Rumor has it that the new show will be Pirates, Princesses and Villains....
Well, I had it during rehearsal, I went into the hall and kept practicing until my group of 4 was called in. Princess part went about as well as a 6'/non-girly girl could make it. I literally was just channeling the court dancers in Cinderellabration and hope it came through. The 8 count "military" switch went and then my feet got messed up going into the Villain section. I tried not to show that I messed up and worked hard to keep my face and arms intense...and then I lost a little bit of balance and still tried to keep my intensity. The Mickey/Minnie/Louie/Stitch section went and the pirate section was fun and for my 16 count free form goodbyes my body instantly went into "Goofy". 2nd time was still not great and some of the mistakes I mentioned making might have been made in the second attempt and not the first and for the final animation I did Snow Queen.
As expected, I was NOT asked to do the second routine (nothing has changed from color coding) and I was mad at myself, so I stuck around to cheer on my friends. And after watching the second routine all I am going to say is that I am GLAD I wasn't asked to stay! I need about 5 years of serious dance training to be good enough for that routine!! Hopefully the dancing is not the main thing they look for when casting the shows.
When this started I was not sure if I really wanted to do this because I would have to put the auditions for musicals and "legit" theatre on hold. But the gypsy in me jumped up and said "YOU WANT THIS!!!" You want to travel and you can find ways to work with your voice teacher and it is not over, it is just more performance experience and a way to see the world!! Yea, so I got mad at myself.
I don't know if it is over yet or if there is still hope. The new show starts rehearsal in March and there is a *small* chance they might use me in one of the existing show (not counting on that though due to the height thing). My audition is good for a year.
In the meantime, I am going to take dance lessons and keep on keeping on with my voice.
08 January 2010
Get In Shape Girl!
Ah, the new year. Every year brings new resolutions and this year is no different. Every year I resolve I am going to lose weight and get in shape, and most years I start off, see a little bit of a change and then fizz out due to lack of interest, lack of money or my motivation saying "goodbye."
This year, I decided to do things a little differently. My friend "Psylocke" (you should know by now I don't use real names on here) is an independent Beachbody Coach and consultant. Beachbody makes and sells a WIDE variety of workout videos. After talking with her, hearing her success story and realizing that this is something I can do this winter inside my apartment where it is WARM (I'll walk/jog/whatever outside when the weather warms up), I decided to give it a try. After looking through the programs, I decided to purchase the basic Yoga Booty Ballet package.
Trust me, I thought long and hard on what I was going to spend my limited funds on. But my fitness goals are to target my trouble spots (butt, thighs) while improving my flexibilty. Many of the other programs looked like they were there to "puhmp you uhp" and I don't want that. I just want to tone and lengthen and gain back some of the flexibility I've lost. I also didn't want to turn into my mother with a million and one reasons not to exercise that all boil down to one thing -- laziness.
So, Monday I went over to Psylocke's, got weighed and measured and started my program. My diet is already PRETTY good and limited, so I'm not focusing on that right now, but I am turning down the 2nd soda I want some days and doing my best to avoid the candy bars at the gas station.
It will be awhile until I know the results, but I know I have Psylocke behind me, the videos staring me in the face every day, and the Team Beachbody website where I log in everytime I work out to log what I did, how long and register to win $$!!
Now to get back into my size 8 jeans!

This year, I decided to do things a little differently. My friend "Psylocke" (you should know by now I don't use real names on here) is an independent Beachbody Coach and consultant. Beachbody makes and sells a WIDE variety of workout videos. After talking with her, hearing her success story and realizing that this is something I can do this winter inside my apartment where it is WARM (I'll walk/jog/whatever outside when the weather warms up), I decided to give it a try. After looking through the programs, I decided to purchase the basic Yoga Booty Ballet package.
Trust me, I thought long and hard on what I was going to spend my limited funds on. But my fitness goals are to target my trouble spots (butt, thighs) while improving my flexibilty. Many of the other programs looked like they were there to "puhmp you uhp" and I don't want that. I just want to tone and lengthen and gain back some of the flexibility I've lost. I also didn't want to turn into my mother with a million and one reasons not to exercise that all boil down to one thing -- laziness.
So, Monday I went over to Psylocke's, got weighed and measured and started my program. My diet is already PRETTY good and limited, so I'm not focusing on that right now, but I am turning down the 2nd soda I want some days and doing my best to avoid the candy bars at the gas station.
It will be awhile until I know the results, but I know I have Psylocke behind me, the videos staring me in the face every day, and the Team Beachbody website where I log in everytime I work out to log what I did, how long and register to win $$!!
Now to get back into my size 8 jeans!

07 January 2010
Blowing the Dust Off
Hi All!
It's been awhile. Miss me?
Much has happened in the time I have been away. I was offered parts in MAME and OLIVER (ensemble in both) and took MAME because it seemed like the happier show for the holidays. I must admit, I think I made the right decision, because the friends I got from that show made me not want to flee Chicago like I had been wanting to before then. The cast and crew were amazing and it was such a fun run that was over waaay too soon.
On the job front, well, I'm still looking. I am keeping my fingers crossed that something good will come, but I am also working to get applications and resumes out there.
Finally, back to the audition grind. I am thinking that if it took me 21 auditions to land my first role, it should HOPEFULLY not take as long the second time around. I have to keep reminding myself that I am relatively new at this so it is going to take time. Also, that I do not look like a lot of other theatre girls out there, so I'm not going to others ideas of what roles should look like and that I have to prove that they CAN look like me! In the meantime I have to focus on my voice lessons, my Piven class and putting the time and energy into this desire that it deserves. Practicing on my own was never my strong suit, but it is time to make it a habit.
I have had one audition in the new year, for Oak Lawn Park District. I was the only person on the first night NOT asked to stay and read, so that pretty much tells you how that audition went. I think poor song choice played a factor. But it is only audition #1!!! =)
Lastly, I had a great holiday season. I got to see my family, meet my cousin's little ones and connect with some of the older little ones again. Spent some time with Historic Stitcher and her rugrat, who is now my "nephew." Got to see THE ADDAMS FAMILY here in Chicago with her and an old college friend and his wife.
Here is to 2010! My goal is to be in 3 shows and to have a line in AT LEAST one of them! =)
It's been awhile. Miss me?
Much has happened in the time I have been away. I was offered parts in MAME and OLIVER (ensemble in both) and took MAME because it seemed like the happier show for the holidays. I must admit, I think I made the right decision, because the friends I got from that show made me not want to flee Chicago like I had been wanting to before then. The cast and crew were amazing and it was such a fun run that was over waaay too soon.
On the job front, well, I'm still looking. I am keeping my fingers crossed that something good will come, but I am also working to get applications and resumes out there.
Finally, back to the audition grind. I am thinking that if it took me 21 auditions to land my first role, it should HOPEFULLY not take as long the second time around. I have to keep reminding myself that I am relatively new at this so it is going to take time. Also, that I do not look like a lot of other theatre girls out there, so I'm not going to others ideas of what roles should look like and that I have to prove that they CAN look like me! In the meantime I have to focus on my voice lessons, my Piven class and putting the time and energy into this desire that it deserves. Practicing on my own was never my strong suit, but it is time to make it a habit.
I have had one audition in the new year, for Oak Lawn Park District. I was the only person on the first night NOT asked to stay and read, so that pretty much tells you how that audition went. I think poor song choice played a factor. But it is only audition #1!!! =)
Lastly, I had a great holiday season. I got to see my family, meet my cousin's little ones and connect with some of the older little ones again. Spent some time with Historic Stitcher and her rugrat, who is now my "nephew." Got to see THE ADDAMS FAMILY here in Chicago with her and an old college friend and his wife.
Here is to 2010! My goal is to be in 3 shows and to have a line in AT LEAST one of them! =)
voice lesson
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