Some backstory (of course)....I have NEVER seen RENT on stage! When it first came out there was soooo much hype around it that I was not interested. A Tony (ok, that got my interest), a Pulitzer, magazine cover after magazine cover, article after article about the tragedy around it and how great it was all equalled me tuning it out completely. Yes, I heard Seasons of Love, yes, eventually I came to enjoy it, even singing along with it when it played as I walked across Universal Studios on my way in for the day. But I refused to see a non-Equity tour of it, or a tour with American Idol cast-offs. When I had my knee surgery in 2006, my roommate had the DVD of the movie and that is when I first saw it (I think...I do not remember going into theatres to see it, is a possibility). Anyway, that is when I fell in love with the music. I know things got changed for the movie, but it was a good introduction, right? Fast forward to October/November of last year. The show had closed on Broadway and the final performance had been recorded and had a limited theatrical release. I went with one of my co-workers and FELL IN LOVE!! Right then and there I decided that the next time the show came to town I was going to see it!
I loved the staging, the characters, how things felt more fleshed out then in the movie, just loved it. It made sense to me. When we left, I told her "If this EVER comes to Chicago again, I am seeing it!" About a week later, I found out that it was coming with 2 of the Original Broadway Cast members!
Actually, it had 3! Anthony Rapp, Adam Pascall, and Gwen Stewart (Seasons of Love Soloist). OMG!! LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT want to go back and see it again!!!! I honestly cannot put into words how much I loved it. While Mary Poppins got me because I loved the movie and the songs as a girl and the cool technical "stuff", Rent got me with its social commentary and story and songs. It was phenomenal! And getting to see it with people who originated the roles just made it even more special.
At the end of the show, Anthony Rapp spoke about Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and how the money stays in the local community, and for $20 you could get an autographed playbill. Yeah....I had $20 so I got one! Entire cast signed! I also was fortunate to get my photo taken with the actors who played Collins, Benny and Joanne...all of them were fabulous and I loved the entire experience. Seriously, go see this, do not hold hype against shows, for I have learned my lesson.
However, I do have to give my bad. Loved Anthony Rapp, he is so good. But Adam Pascall....I do not know if it was the night I saw him or what, but his voice was so nasally that it started to bother me. Seriously, it was a bit of an annoyance. And he is in the entire show, so it was a bit of a thorn in my side. This is versus Mary Poppins where the entire cast was spot on and practically perfect. Maybe I judge too harshly, but when you listen to the original cast recording to know you can hear how his voice has deteriorated over the years.
Oh, and did I mention that I got my ticket for $30?? And that I was sitting 6th row center orchestra?? Yeah...I am pretty pleased with myself on that one! =)
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